Thank you so much to Ms Lawson for her leadership in heading up our moving Remembrance Day Assembly. Thank you to Ms. Zampiero for the primary choirs spectacular singing of "Home" and for Ms Chawla’s poignant grade 5/6 letters written in thanks to our Canadian soldiers.
Concerns have been raised around safety during student entry in the morning/recess and at lunch. As a team we have designed a new Entry Procedure which will begin this week. Thank you to our Character Education/entry team for your leadership. Please see as follows:
Recess Line-Ups and Transitions
- all classes are accompanied to the recess exit by their teacher
- students are dismissed outdoors only after a staff member on duty has arrived outdoors
Entry Line-Ups
- students going to the second floor will make one line following along the bricks
- students going to the main floor will make one line following along the fence
- students will enter the school once their line is in single file and calm
- only the teachers on duty may decide when the doors open to allow students to re-enter
- students must walk upon entering the school
- students going to the second floor will hold the handrails, using both sides of the staircase
- students will be admitted to their classrooms once they have formed a quiet, single file line outside of the classroom
Let me know if you have any questions.
Ms. Hardy
When you show deep empathy towards others, their defensive energy goes down, and positive energy replaces it. That's when you can get more creative in solving problems
- Stephen Convey